Minutes Humboldt Park Friends

General Membership Meeting

December 7, 2017

Attendance: Zeno Franco, Jane LeCapitaine, Laureen Stirmel, Ignacio Catral, Myron Thomsen, Supervisor Haas, Steve Blank, Mike Dushak, Greg Stilin, Tim Richter

Note no motions were offered

Action Items:

a.) write a story (Jane & Iggy)for posting (FB, our website & BV Compass) on the Ice Hockey Grp; take photos of clearing & maintaining the ice. Greg to inform when they begin clearing the ice for photo op.

b.) Post for additional volunteers to serve as ice operators for clearing & or maintaining ice.

c.) Iggy & Steve to develop and print a flyer on HPF.

Suggestions & recommendations will need to tracked to determine action


  • Announcements: none
  • Park Safety & Concerns: none
  • Membership Update – Ignacio and Steve are updating the various data sources; will have ready for the January 2018 meeting.
  • Board Elections – reviewed bylaws for nomination process and voting; can either nominate an individual or and or self nominate; presently a number of board positions – seven ( 7); have one (1) vacancy; Tim recommended that HPF be flexible regarding the number of board positions increase to 9, this allows if there is interest new members can be mentored into leadership positions. It was reported that there are 2 or 3 folks interested in serving as a board member.
  • By-laws also indicate to vote for the board, must be a current paid member, renewal dates as of October 31; again, Tim recommended that HPF demonstrate some flexibility since renewal information was sent out late.
  • Zeno recommended that the new board establish a past president board position – beneficial for mentoring, continuity and developing new leadership
  • Board election Jan4th.


  • Lagoon Update Jane & Tim reported that with the fabulous assistance from Matt Mazur, HPF may be able to get the lagoon filled free from the City of Milwaukee; must be done before lagoon freezer; would take 24 hours with a 6 inch hose running from the fire hydrant on Pine Avenue; HPF contacted MCP informing them, sought approved; Guy Smith approved as long as the water is FREE; this gift is in process; ts to be crossed & is to be dotted; if this does occur, need volunteers, the hose needs to be staffed 24hours. Matt would do all the set up & take down; may even be able to track the amount of water used and then calculate an estimated cost (for future use). The lagoon is down about 4 inches. If filled, would make ice skating safer.
    1. Need to increase the activities of HPF on the lagoon; more PR identify someone to help with this
    2. On website, develop a link to a FAQ along with photos and events
    3. Committee in final stages of consolidating data from lagoon listening sessions; when completed this to would go on the website.
    4. Meet with MCP provide update, ask for resources
    5. Begin identifying environmental engineering firms for preliminary plans for the shoreline, water quality, enhancements.
    6. Post ice hockey schedule and if additional ice is cleared be sure to post as well.
  • Other Business
    1. Ice Hockey – depending on weather & ice conditions, conduct another community evening skating event – lights on the lagoon, serve free hot chocolate & cookies.
    2. Zeno suggested that the cleared managed ice be expanded allowing for greater family community ice skating
      1. Greg indicated that more volunteers would be needed
    3. Zeno recommended that the board and members establish goals for 2018
    4. Myron will coordinate a spring park cleanup
    5. Tim recommended that we post on FB & website that we are looking for a volunteer coordinator for BOCCE; he will not run it this year, focus in on the lagoon restoration.
    6. Jane suggested that we look into a “family color fun run” it was a near tern suggestion from the listening session; will follow up to find out who proposed.
    7. War Memorial – Tim reminded us that 2019 will be the Centennial for the installation & honoring those who died in World War!
    8. Jane is trying to locate appropriate veterans agency that provides free traveling photos exhibits; link it to the Centennial


  1. Tim – from near-term “wants” from” members, public and participators of the lagoon listening sessions, request that the MCP paint a few more yellow, no parking strips; repaint the crosswalk outline, fill in with cross hash lines to draw attention to the cross walk & install a stop sign in a barrel in the middle of the crosswalk, anchored so would not blow over or be moved by vandals




NOTE: Supervisor Haas inquired if HPF conducted a door to door canvas to inform and determine neighborhood interest. He will drop off HPF flyers when doing door for his reelection. Iggy & Steve will develop & print – get to Supervisor Haas.


Also, NOTE HPF is not endorsing Supervisor Haas.


Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm