Our next Humboldt Park Hero is Tim Richter, a long-time Bay View resident and great friend of the park. On any given day, you can find Tim enjoying the park and beer garden with his friends and family. His love of the park began with his grandmother taking Tim to the park as a child and now Tim is passing that love of the park to his own family. We asked Tim to share his story with us, and we want to thank him for his contribution to the park and honor him as a Humboldt Park Hero.


What is your first Humboldt Park memory?

When I was a kid, My grandma, Alice Richter, would take us to the park to feed ducks by the lagoon.

What motivates you to care for the park? 

My kids are my main motivation. So much of their childhood revolves around the park.  Parks like Humboldt Park are an anchor to a neighborhood. It is part of the identity of Bay View and hosts so many events.

How long have you been involved with the park?

In 2006, I organized the first Bocce Benefit and lead the event until 2017.  I first became involved with Humboldt Park Friends in 2012 and helped establish a formal board and partnership with the Park People of Milwaukee.

What are some of the things you do and have done for the park?

Bathroom remodel including making it ADA compliant; lagoon committee; starting the Bocce Benefit; involved in the initial launch of the beer garden

What are your favorite things that you do to help the park?

Enjoy the beer garden! Supporting the beer garden helps fund the park system.

What would you like to see happen for the park?

I would love to see a coffee shop anchored in the park pavilion.

How can others help you with your efforts? 

Join Humboldt Park Friends; Fundraising for the next phase of lagoon restoration.

What other organizations are you a part of?

Friends of Calvary Cemetery board member; St. Augustine finance committee and Oktoberfest planning committee