The Humboldt Park Friends group celebrated another successful Tree Day on October 13th.

Tree Day helps kids in our community schools learn about and appreciate the Trees in Humboldt Park.

Tree Day has been an annual event at Humboldt Park since 1998 and during that time we have had over 2000 students participate in Tree Day activities.

Every year Humboldt Park Friends, Milwaukee County Park Naturalist’s and the City of Milwaukee Urban Forestry Department all donate their time and efforts to this program.

The highlight of the program is the planting of 1 or 2 new trees in the park. Children from local schools are invited to participate by writing their names on a piece of paper that they each drop in the hole before the trees are planted. The paper will help nourish the tree and helps creates a connection between the children and the tree.

The day’s festivities also include a walking tour of the park identifying the various tree species, leaf, seed and bark types. The kids also enjoy story time, create a craft and participate in identifying leaves and doing leaf rubbings in a booklet they take home to their families.

Humboldt Park is the only park in the county to have a tree day and because of tree day we are fortunate to plant 1 or 2 new trees every year.

We want to thank the Milwaukee County Park Naturalist’s, the City of Milwaukee Urban Forestry Department and the Humboldt Park Friends volunteers who all made this event possible.